Wednesday, April 22, 2020

What is the Difference Between Prejudice and Discrimination?

What is the Difference Between Prejudice and Discrimination?Are you having trouble defining the difference between prejudice and discrimination? Do you find it difficult to think of an example of prejudice or a person who acts in a prejudiced manner? You are not alone, as this can be quite difficult.A good definition of prejudice might be a 'prejudice not manifested.' One way of putting it is that if I said a man was prejudiced against the handicapped, this is not the same as 'he's prejudice against the handicapped.' I know a lot of people who are prejudiced against the handicapped, but that is not prejudice.If you want to be clearer about this, you should remember that discrimination can be expressed as 'discrimination not manifested.' A better way to say it is that if I say a person is prejudiced, this is not the same as 'she acts prejudiced.' It is possible to discriminate without being prejudiced. For example, a person may have a problem with female domination in the military, ye t she will never say that she is prejudiced.So how do you tell if someone is prejudiced or not, the answer to this question is 'what is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?' You might have to take time to define it for yourself, but once you get that definition, you should be able to answer the question. It is a little more difficult than the way that I have described it, but in my experience it works.Is there a way to find out who is prejudiced against another person? That is a good question. You could ask them about their prejudice and observe whether or not they say something like, 'I'm prejudiced against the deaf.' On the other hand, you could try to get some opinions from people who know the person.Remember that one answer is 'yes' and the other answer is 'no.' In my experience, people who are prejudice have to keep themselves in check. This could be hard if they have lots of friends and family members who are prejudiced. The first answer is 'yes' because they d on't realize that their prejudice is prejudiced and they try to keep it under control.One final point that you might like to ponder about is whether or not you believe that the difference between prejudice and discrimination is important when you go into business with people. Your opinion about this will depend on the kind of business you are going into. Suppose you are a Christian business person, you will probably like to think of the difference between discrimination and prejudice more than the kind of person you are dealing with. Likewise, if you are a nudist, you might be surprised by how hard some people are to understand.If you want to really find out what is the difference between prejudice and discrimination, then you need to talk to someone who knows a person who is prejudiced or discriminative. You will see if you are right or wrong about the distinction before you buy into an argument about whether or not discrimination is correct or prejudice is acceptable.

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